YouTube Marketing
About Lesson

The first step in getting started on YouTube is to create your company Channel. If you already have a company Channel, you can organically optimize your Channel with the tips below. Selecting Your Channel Name
In a perfect world, your Channel name will be your business name. If your business name is already taken, get as close to your business name as possible. For example, you could
abbreviate your name or add or delete identifiers such as “Inc.” If the product or service you are promoting is singular, or in a clear niche—try looking for a creative, catching, and memorable Channel name. However, you must be forward thinking when selecting your Channel name. For example, what if you expand your product line? Would you have 2 separate Channels, or one cohesive Channel? If appropriate, you could even use your first and last name as your Channel name. Consider keywords, but remember that keywords are in constant flux. Currently, you can create up to 50 Channels. But in most cases, it is more strategic (and time-efficient) to have one Channel with lots of videos and playlists than several singular Channels. But we will talk more about strategy in the next chapter.

Optimizing Your Images
If you are familiar with optimizing blog post and website images prior to uploading them to your website, the concept is the same. This is one of those tiny details that many people underestimate, or simply don’t know exists—but which can go a long way in organic YouTube and search engine optimization.
The best way to optimize your images is to use Google Trends or a paid keyword tool to identify the best keywords. Then, name and save your YouTube profile pic and banner with the most suitable keywords. Even if you are using your company logo, you must first name and save it with your relevant keywords. Even if you maintain the same profile pick and banner, update them both with new keywords on a quarterly basis.

Don’t Just Copy And Paste Your About Section It is tempting to simply copy and paste the About section of your website in YouTube and your other online platforms, sales sites, and social media Channels. However, it is important to write unique descriptions for each of your online descriptions. This minimizes the amount of duplicate online content, but it also ensures you take the time to write a unique description relevant to the purpose of each online profile. For example, your YouTube description should touch on the value you plan to add with your Channel. Once you have written a few unique sentences or paragraphs, take the time to add the About section links to your website,
other social platforms, and top trending news